Thursday 19 September 2013

the place Beyond the pines

Gender representation

The male representation of this film is mainly as a sexual symbol, especially at the beginning of the trailer, the first shot that is seen is an extreme close you of ryan goslings chest and it focused on this defined abs. The following shots on from this include him with his top off or with a vest which shows of his muscular arms. Also with ryan and Bradley coopers shots there are a lot of close ups of their faces to show that they are attractive and in control. The men seen in the trailer are very manly men who are very buff and physically fit and in all scenes they are the ones in control as only two women are shown through out the whole clip so the town they are in is a very male dominating town. ryan character is represented as a hard man who's is potentially dangerous and doesn't obey by any ones but his rules, we get this impression from his vast amount of tattoos (especially the ones on his face) also how he is  always armed the first shot we see of him is him holding/ playing with a knife.
  The female representation is completely different to the males, both of the women shown have children so they are automatically represented as maternal and caring also they are very much controlled by the males and depend up on them, we see this when eva mendes' character found it difficult to raise her child alone and vulnerable we also see her getting married to a man who can help her and support her. this trailer also shows the women as being easily influenced by men an example of this would be how Eva's character takes the money from ryan's even though it is obvious it is stolen as ran is a kind of gangster who doesn't obey by the rules.

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