Thursday 19 September 2013

Draft of my first paragraphy

How far do contrasting genres rely upon different narrative structures?

The main narrative theories im going to apply to my two chosen films are, stauss,prop and tororov, these have key characteristics which are very distinctive and can be identified easily. The first film I am going to allays is the black cauldron; it is a 1985 Disney film all about bravery and defeating evil. the genre of this film is fantasy but it also has traces of horror, the conventions of these genres that show in the film are low key lighting and dragging out the scenes which can been seen as horror also the non diegetic sounds change to increase the tension in the film especially in scenes when the 'villain' appears on the screen. Many of the scenes have mist which is a very iconic part of very olden horror films. The conventions of the fantasy film are the opposite to the horror aspects, they is high key lighting to make the audience feel at ease and that nothing bad is going to happen. Again the music changes through out the scenes that are seen to be fantasy and the music is more upbeat and relax the audience and instead of them expecting what’s about to happen the audience just enjoys and watches it. More conventions of this is their are fairies and aspects of magic which is a key element of fantasy films. The second film I’m going to analyse and compare to the black cauldron is going to be batman the dark knight raises the most recent film in the batman trilogy. All three of the batman films fit well with all three theories especially Strauss because through out the whole film the binary opposition of good /evil, rich/poor is a key theme through out all. The genre of this film is a thriller/ action film conventions of horror films are as followed, it mainly uses panning and tracking shots the first shot that was used in the film was a panning shot not focusing on any one just setting the scene. it also uses a lot of high and log angle shows this always shows the audience who controls the scene and can make the audience fell important/the focus or can make them feel threatened and vulnerable. There are many jump cuts between scenes as this gives the scene of fast movement and its unpredictable what can happen. Conventions of an action film are fighting, through al the whole film/trilogy of batman these is a lot of fighting. A key location of an action film is in a big city and batman fits this perfectly as the whole film is set in the fictional city Gotham.

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