Thursday 19 September 2013


What are the dominant ideologies in a specific CSI clip.

Firstly all people in the scene are American so right away we have the patriotic ideology, we can tell the people are American because how they act, the clothes they wear (official FBI jackets) but more simply just by the accent they have. Another ideology could be male dominance because even though the women come across as equals and just as knowledgeable as the men, ( the woman remembers a neckless of a missing persons case from 2 years ago) they have the same role title and do the same job, there are still more men in the scene then women and the two women shown are seen to be equal as there isn't enough of them we can not conclude that the scene is being equal. When the forensic man and woman first step out of the car the woman speaks first but when they are talking to the sheriff he aims the conversation at the man and when it comes to introductions the forensic man introduces both himself and the woman. when they are in the Pitt with the bodies the man is seen doing the most work, the most demanding for, as he is breaking us the hard rocky ground where as the woman is just using her had to scrape off a bit of rubble. All of the bodies they have found are female this shows that women are defenceless and can not defend themselves in a life and death situations.

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