Tuesday 3 December 2013

Most texts today mix genres, how true is this to district 9

Through out district 9 there are many distinctive genres shown for example Documentary, sci-fi and horror. Also though out the film there is a lot  of reference of narrative postmodernism as the film recycles many of older sci-fi story lines and plots and changes them slightly with the technological advances.
  Firstly the film has many aspects of horror, an example of where this is used in the film is when Wicks is in the first stages of turning into the alien and he runs in to the bathroom after his nail falls off and stares into the mirror as his teeth also come out this is almost a replica of the film the fly as the main man stands in front of the mirror and squirts puss out of his finger. As well as the plot line the both films also show the same technical codes in the previously mentioned scenes for example both uses high key lighting and mid shots as this shows the audience that both the men are transforming this is a very typical convention of a sci-fi genera and this shows how horror and sic-fi interlink through out the film. Another Example of the film where it can been seen as a horror is when Chris and wicks go into the lab to retrieve the black liquid that turned wicks into the alien. Even though horror normally have low key lighting to create mystery and suspense, however the lighting in this scene is high key lighting however it is extremely bright so it doesn't give the sense of safety it makes the people feel intimidated and as its so bright there is no where to hide so there is a constant threat that either of them could be killed at any minute. Also during this scene there is tense non-diegetic music which builds up the tension to the audience and this is a typical convention of the horror genera.
 Secondly the main genera of the film is sic-fi and this also has may recycled plot narrative such as ET as Chris like ET just wants to go home however ET causes no threat unlike Chris this shows that through out time the sic-fi genera remains the same but different. A scene that highlights this is near to the end when Chris and his son are in the spaceship ascending to the larger spaceship the diegetic dialogue between the two aliens show that they want to go home and they are happy that all the fighting is over as his son asking if they are going home and an exhausted wounded Chris happily says yes. Relating back to this scene as well the film has a biblical references such as The main character is called Christopher which is the extension of the name Christ, also the spaceship Chris and his son ascend in is a rough cross shape just as Jesus ascended into heaven after he was killed on the cross. A main theme in the film is the referencing to the biblical intertexuality. Ive talked a lot about the uses of spaceships through out the film the main one is in all of the long shots over looking the city there is the big spaceship hovering in the distance and spaceships are one of the main conventions of a sci-fi film.                  

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