Thursday 5 December 2013


Drive shows some conventions that are very typical to the noir genera such as there is a cynical protagonist who is out seeking revenge. In drive this would be ryan goslings character as he is very mysterious and when he talks he replies with short statements, he has a not bothered about anyone but himself however he does care about his love interest and seeks revenge on the murderer of her husband.  Most of the shots we see of ryan he is wearing glasses this hides his emotions and keeps him mystery intackt. Secondly there are many low key lighting shots, during these we see a lot of shadows in the little light that is available this is a key feature that is used during noir films. Ive mentioned about ryan being a cynical protagonist however there are other examples of characters that also follow the typical noir genera such as the red haired girl who helps to rob the bank, she can be seen as being a femme fatale, firstly her red hair is a connotation of danger and in many noir films there is a lot of focus on red for example in sin city girls dresses or lips are in colour where as the rest of the shot is in black and white this focuses the audience attention and see the women as being dangerous. As well as her red hair the girl is also smoking which again is a very typical trait of a noir film.-  

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