Monday 7 October 2013

Fish Tank

The Genre for fish tank is social realism the majority of the film was filmed with a hand held camera this gives the audience the scene they are in the film with the actors and they can relate more and feel the emotions of the actors. Also the actors are unknown and in their own environment, the actor who plays mia is from Essex where the film is set so this adds to the realisticness of the acting. The films story line is set upon a family who have been in an economic hardship and had very many life struggles and many people would be able to relate to this. All the lighting is natural which gives it a scene that it’s a documentary and it’s a very amateur film with no editing or special effects.

The narrative of this film Could be todorov ( only a small scene) There is equilibrium in the film until mia finds out Connor has a family that he has hidden away and as she kidnaps Connors child then the film has an unbalance (disequilibrium) although as events get worse and there is a small moment in the film when we believe that mia may have killed the child by throwing her into a fast current river, this is when mia is brought back to reality and realises what she has done and she tries to restore the equilibrium when she returns the child. We can also apply propps theory to the film as mia can be seen as the villain as she is the one who sleeps with her mothers boyfriend even more so as she almost killed a small innocent child. Through out the scenes with Connors child she is wearing a princesses outfit which is a connotation that she is the helpless one in the film as she has no way of saving herself because she is too young and naive to understand the situation. The boy mia goes off with at the end of the film could be seen as the hero as he is the one who saves mia from her life and gives her the change to start again and make something new for herself. Connor can be seen as the false hero as he makes mia feel as though she is comfortable and special, unlike anyone else but he just leaves her when she is at her most vulnerable and doting on him. we can slightly apply strause as there is binary opposition between mias family who are from a less fortunate family who live in a small council flat which isn’t very luxurious it only has one small tv with minimal furniture then polar opposite is conors family who are in good fortune and have a very nice big house witch is very homely and has a fancy flash telly and gadgets.

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