Tuesday 28 January 2014

Discuss the audience appeal of texts? ( madmen)

Man men is a niche tv programme shown on AMC a subscription american channel, this means the audience has to pay to watch it so they have a starting appeal to the show. a specific scene of season 5 episode 11shows a particular twist to keep the audience hooked, two scenes run along side each other giving the illusion that they are happening at the same time however its only when we see the jaguar invester in both scene we realise this isn't the case. There is a cleaver uses of jump time to hook the audience, it also makes the audience relate to Joan as we see her face when she realises not everyone wanted her to sleep with the investor but she already had she takes her time before she answers don draper this gives her time to compose her emotions and put on her best over face as in the 1960s woman were objectified and Joan didn't want to seem as weak as she is. because this is along running TV program the audience get time to know the characters and become attached to them and this would keep them entertained to see how their favourite characters react to situations thrown to them.

The show has received many awards for directing, writing and acting, which gives credibility to the programme and has been rewarded for it's unique approach to Television. This new stye of retrophilia  mad men first adopted has spiralled many there programme to that this route of nostalgia and period drams.

As well as an audiences getting escapism watching mad men that are also being informed of the times  in 1960s as there are many accurate representations, such as how women were mainly seen as objects as there is many references of sexisms through out the seasons and this episode inpartcular  an example of this is when don throws money in to peggys face, dismissing everything she is saying to him and just trying to shut her up.

The new yorker magazine reviews mad men as 'the shows main draw is behaviour,observes with such exactness that one can imagine the shows being transposed to the 40s and 80s with different clothes and slags

Thursday 23 January 2014

Most media texts target a range of different audiences ' how true is this to your text'

Lost is a Mainstream TV programme that is shown on ABC which is a Big American company. a scene i will be focusing on would be when a group of survivors are waling through the forest trying to fined signal on the radio. There are many enigma codes that features though out this 3 minute clip, and these enigma codes are created by the uses of non diegetic sounds. when they first hear rustling in the trees there is a deadly silence between the cast this is where the first enigma code features, 'are they alone?' 'what else s in the Forrest with them?' As soon as the camera starts moving quicker it draws the audience in more, as they have the sense of being part of then scene and feel very much involved as well as these sharp cutting back and fourth shots the non diegetic sounds increases and influences the audiences feeling to danger and as the pass increases the audience as well feels the sense of running away. As the bear approaches closer and closer the music changes from a tense music to a more 'slashing' kind of music that would stereotypically be found in a horror film, for example this music is similar to the film psycho. once the bear was shot and killed the music an all sound in the scene stopped it gives the audience a realisation that this island its what it seems, again this creates more enigma codes such as ' why is there a polar bear in a tropical forest?' 'where did it come from?' 'and what was bigger that killed the pilot?'
The audience for lost would be mainly a passive and would take the preferred reading from the program and would take an entertainment approach from the text they could also used it for social intergration as it is a big mainstream programmed and via the use of enigma codes people can share ideas and thoughts to answer them.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Targets from mock exam

Refer to key scenes in techni8cval detail to make analysis more  relevant for the question

discuss other films in more depth for each genre to support your point of view  #

try to be consistent though out all texts to raise over all grade

revise key scenes in reparation for future mock exam questions