Tuesday 29 April 2014



For my research investigation I examined the issue of how contrasting genres use Propp’s character functions. I found out that it is easier to distinguish who the hero/villain is in simplified linear narratives such as fantasy films however its harder for complicated non linear narratives such as action film. My two texts were The Dark Knight Rises and The Black Cauldron I took conventions from each of the genres to construct two action film posters and one fantasy poster. 

The first genre I produced was for the action genre. Key conventions of an action film are big city location and one main protagonist who has a mission to complete. I used these specific conventions in my production getting a male model to be the main focus in my poster as this connotes that the narrative will revolve around him. Also the expression on his face and the title 'Sudden Justice' suggests that justice needs to be returned this provides a motive and a mission to be completed and suggesting a clear binary opposition. The background for my action posters is of a city background with the model surrounded by tall buildings that is a stereotypical location for an action film. 

Fantasy film conventions from my research investigation are very dark and mysterious, also teaser film release posters are often very enigmatic and don’t give too much information away for the preferred audience to decode. The model I uses wore dark makeup especially around her eyes to give her character sinister connotations, her face is covered with shadow to further support the secretive connotation. The poster itself is very plain relies upon an enigma for the films narrative, with the tag line ‘just one bite’ adding anchorage. The model handing an apple to the audience suggests that’s its deadly and shouldn’t be taken also the title ‘ White’ doesn’t suggest a lot especially as the model is a contrast by all in black. A passive audience should be able to decode the enigmas and conventions used, as they would be familiar with the genre. My research suggests that the use of the Disney logo would not allow for any oppositional reading to be taken by a mainstream audience.   

Through the use of facial expressions lighting and body language in my fantasy film ‘White’ the model is portrayed as the villain. As she has a stern facial expression that is very serious and unfriendly also she is in very dark low-key lighting with shadows covering some of her face giving her character mystery and connotes that she has a dark side. This is very similar to all the scenes in The Black Cauldron that feature The Horned King as they all have low-key lighting and is often only seen through the use of shadows. In my Action Film Posters ‘Sudden Justice’ the model will come across as the hero as he is center focus also he is looking down on the city this could connate that he is watching over looking after it. However only half the models face is on show and this is covered in shadows and this suggests a dark side and a mystery to the character, which could also connate that he is the villain and he is looking down on the city as he’s waiting for its down fall. This is very similar to The Dark Knight as Batman is seen as the cynical protagonist and has a dark side and is not viewed as a stereotypical hero and I took influence from this and used it in my posters. The lack of face showing means that there is mystery and enigma surrounding the character this is a pull for an active audience as they would be interested in finding out more and would take a preferred reading.     

To improve my production I would do three completely different posters rather then two of the same this was I could show more of the different genres as the two films I chose for my research investigation have hybrids of many genres and I could have shown this more for example doing a horror poster for The Black Cauldron or thriller for The Dark Knight. I would have used different action conventions for my two different actions films one that would have adhered to the genera and one to subvert the genera.